Practical and proven: Overhead projectors are still popular for a reason. They make it possible to give a presentation without a lot of technical aids, connection problems, tangled cables and the like. The device can be set up quickly and with these slides you have everything you need for a successful presentation.
Can be used in a variety of ways: The transparent transparencies for overhead projectors can be designed as copies or printed on. Handwritten notes that supplement existing images and tables are also possible at any time. This allows you to remain very flexible during presentations and - if necessary - respond to interim questions.
Build up sketches and calculations chronologically: A flip chart or blackboard is often not enough, especially in a large hall. With an overhead projector, you can build up an argument step by step and respond directly to questions. Ideal when it comes to calculations or spontaneous illustrations, lectures based on overhead projectors and the corresponding transparent slides are still very popular, especially in universities and schools.
- Transparencies for overhead projectors: ideal for lectures, presentations and papers
- Transparent
- Replaces a flipchart or traditional blackboard
- Also suitable for a larger audience
- You don‘t need any expensive equipment - a flat white surface and an overhead projector are all you need
- Suitable for all copiers and laser printers
- Size: DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm)
- Film thickness: 100 micrometers