Simple and effective: This LED insect killer doesn‘t need a lot of bells and whistles to give you an insect-free time. The model is equipped with a blue UV light that automatically attracts the insects before they are sucked in and finally caught. So you can get rid of unwanted insects quickly!
For a better night‘s sleep: Mosquitoes and other insects are particularly annoying at night. The unpleasant buzzing and scratching of mosquito bites rob us of our well-earned sleep. It is therefore advisable to place the silent insect killer directly in the bedroom. That way, the pests don‘t stand a chance!
Top tip: The compact device is also suitable for use in caravans.
No danger to humans or animals: Many so-called mosquito and insect sprays contain chemicals that can cause health problems, especially in poorly ventilated indoor spaces. Their use can also have unpleasant consequences for our beloved animals. This LED insect killer therefore dispenses with aggressive chemicals and is a health-friendly alternative to many insect sprays.
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